Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Cave

I've caved.
Conformed, some may say.

I created a blog.
This just could possibly be my pre-midlife crisis.
Kinda depressing that this, a blog, is my pre-midlife crisis.
Goes to show you how exciting my, now adult, life is.
I promised myself I would never get to this point.
Making a blog I mean.
I'm just not big into talking about myself and posting it all over the interweb.
But here I am, blogging.

I am still not to the point of posting a link to my blog on Facebook
so my internet friends can creep on me in new and more creative ways.
So I guess that makes it better.

In my defense for making this blog,
because I feel the need to defend myself,
I am going away to college and need a way to keep in touch with some of my work friends :).
Okay, one of my work friends.
And to tell someone about my life, even if it's a blog no one ever reads.
It's like a journal I would keep under my mattress.
Only, easier to find and read.
Plus, this could be a better, healthier, way to spend my nights.
Because before this they were spent on www.stumbleupon.com
just stumbling my nights away
so addicting.

This could be a very stupid idea.
Oh well.

Welp, I'm not very good at this blogging thing yet.
So I'm not quite sure how I should end my blog.
So for now, enjoy some photobooth pictures that have been taken since I got my mac :)

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