Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Easy A

Oh look, here I am.
Second night in a row, blogging.
I am becoming afull-fledged blogger, aren't I??
This is bad.

But I am currently watching Easy A, wasting my life away on,
So I thought it would be an okay time to blog.

If you haven't figured it out by now
(which you probably haven't, seeing as this is only my second blog ever),
I am completely obsessed with random websites.
I have quite a few that I check almost on a daily bases.
One of my favorites this week is Pinterest,
and I check it more like hourly.

And well, I found out today that you can't just make an account for Pinterest.
You have to ask for an "invite".
How beyond stupid is that?
I don't want to ask permission to get invited somewhere.
It kind of beats the purpose of getting invited somewhere.

Anyway, that was completely off subject.
I do that a lot.
So I didn't ask to be invited to be on Pinterest,
because I figured, hey, I have a blog
if I want to post pictures of things I like I don't have to do it on a fancy website.

So alas, I figured out how I will end my blog every time.
Pictures of things I like!
And you should be excited,
because I like rad stuff.

So here it is,
my first addition of Pinterest, McKenna style.

Someone find me this door. Please?
I would make this my front door if I could,
you know, if I had a house.

I already tried to convince my mom to do this.
It didn't work so well.
But that doesn't mean I can't do this,
when I have a house, and family, I mean.
You would have to be crazy if you didn't think this is adorable,
and wish you could go back in time and do this with your hubby,
If I could draw...
Plus, this would be a sweeeeet tattoo.
I will make this one day.
Watch me.
I laughed.
I fell in love.
Find me one?
I would do this.
If I had a husband.
And got tattoos?
Bummer all around.
Still so cute.
I would accept this as my wedding ring.
Or just a ring.
Like now.
I will find this.

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