Sunday, September 4, 2011

It Must be Something In The Air

The zoo,
80's dance,
The Rocket Summer concert,
busy busy busy.

Yes, my week was amazing.
How was yours?

People in Logan are either overly nice
or a memo went out to compliment me.
Because I don't think I have ever been complimented by so many random people in my life.
And that is just this week.
Must be something in the air up here?
Or water maybe?
Either way, I am not okay with it.

If you don't know,
I hate being complimented.
I don't like being looked at,
and if someone compliments you, that means they have been looking at you long enough to notice they like your hair,
or what you're wearing.
I get all embarrassed,
turn red,
and laugh.
It is really a terrible thing.

I probably should have done a blog for each one of these fun things I did,
but I am wayy too lazy.
So here we have three blogs worth of pictures in one,

The Rocket Summer concert.
Before the douche bag almost broke my camera.
Getting ready for the concert

We are horrible at jumping pictures.
80's night faux-hawk:)

The best picture of Aaron ever taken,
you're welcome:)
See that behind us?
That is what we call McKenna's photography heaven.

Me and Scotty at the zoo

The sisters:)
The sib's

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