Wednesday, September 14, 2011


There are only a few time's in my life that I have been homesick.
Not the kind of homesick where you would just rather be home then where you are.
But the kind of homesick that literally makes you sick.
The kind that makes everything remind you of home,
and makes you cry over the sound of your mom's voice.

This is the kind of homesick I have been this week.
I don't know what happened in my life,
or what flipped the switch,
but one morning I woke up and I just missed home.
I missed everything about it.
I missed my family and friends.
I missed my puppy.
I missed my job.
I missed knowing that I had a handful of different people I could hang out with if I wanted.

I missed everything about home so much that I was literally sick.
And it was kneeling on the bathroom floor of Wal Mart that I realized;
What am I doing here?
I hate my job.
I have no friends.
I'm not even going to school.
Why am I here?

And the answer is:
I don't know.
I still don't know.
And I don't know when I will know.
But I know that I moved up here for a reason.
Maybe it was just to get a change of scenery,
or maybe to just grow up and figure out who I am.
Maybe I'll meet someone that I am supposed to meet,
or maybe it's just so I know what matters most to me.
I don't know yet, but hopefully I'll figure it out soon.

It sucks to realize that you left everything you love for nothing.
I don't think words quite describe how much I hate my job.
Yes, I get to take pictures and blah blah blah.
I hate it.
This is not the kind of photography that I want to spend the rest of my life doing.
This isn't the kind that gets me excited to do a photo shoot,
that I want to stay up all night editing the pictures from.

I want to be the kind of photographer that people want to pay a lot of money to have,
not just because they can't afford anything else.
I want to be the kind of photographer who's pictures make it onto the covers of magazines
(vogue to be exact)
The kind of photographer that people want to be like,
that people look up to.

I want to do photo shoots that make people think,
that shows how I think and view the world.
Not a 15 minute photo shoot so a mom can get a free 8x10 and be on her way.

I just miss the way life used to be.
I can't wait to go home tomorrow.

Halloween for the roommates?
Reminds me of The Notebook.
So romantic.

Story of my life.
I need this.

I have this problem.
If/when I have long hair
I will do this.

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Face

This video will come into play later in this post.
So watch it:)

(Warning: Inappropriate content and language.)
(Sorry about that)
(It's just so funny)

I don't like to dance.
I'm not good at it
and I don't like other people knowing exactly how horrible I am.
So I usually just don't dance.
Except in the car
or in my bathroom.
But I never dance at dances.

But something came over me at 80's night,
and I just didn't care what other people thought.
Granted half of them were drunk,
or a worse dancer then I am,
but I just didn't care.
So I danced.

As we we're dancing,
just having a good time,
Julie made a joke about how many times we would have to use "The Face".
(refer to video above)
I thought nothing of it until
the drunkest douche bag of all drunk douche bags started grinding on me.
Uhh, hello?
I don't know you,
and I don't even let the people I'm closest with do this.
I don't like being touched,
please leave me alone.

Luckily I didn't have to whip The Face out for the kill,
but I was this close to punching him in the face.

It's not an easy thing to walk away when you are in a crowd of dancing drunk people.
So I had to turn around and practically push him off of me.
It took a minute for him to get the point,
as it always does,
but he finally left me alone.
Plus, he said sorry.
So that makes it a little better.
But I still took an extra long shower when I got home.

Some people are just so talented.
The person who did these being one of them.
The Hunger Games series<3

Cute his and her's tattoos.
One day I will have that many books.
I will also have those stairs:)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

It Must be Something In The Air

The zoo,
80's dance,
The Rocket Summer concert,
busy busy busy.

Yes, my week was amazing.
How was yours?

People in Logan are either overly nice
or a memo went out to compliment me.
Because I don't think I have ever been complimented by so many random people in my life.
And that is just this week.
Must be something in the air up here?
Or water maybe?
Either way, I am not okay with it.

If you don't know,
I hate being complimented.
I don't like being looked at,
and if someone compliments you, that means they have been looking at you long enough to notice they like your hair,
or what you're wearing.
I get all embarrassed,
turn red,
and laugh.
It is really a terrible thing.

I probably should have done a blog for each one of these fun things I did,
but I am wayy too lazy.
So here we have three blogs worth of pictures in one,

The Rocket Summer concert.
Before the douche bag almost broke my camera.
Getting ready for the concert

We are horrible at jumping pictures.
80's night faux-hawk:)

The best picture of Aaron ever taken,
you're welcome:)
See that behind us?
That is what we call McKenna's photography heaven.

Me and Scotty at the zoo

The sisters:)
The sib's

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Roommate Meetings

So moving out sounds like a great idea.
But actually moving out, and living on your own isn't so awesome.
It makes me think of this video:

Haha, I love Mitchell Davis.

Okay, so that hasn't exactly happened yet.
I have a feeling it will,
but we're good so far.

But what has happened are some failed roommate meetings.
You see, before we moved out Julie's parents pulled us all aside
and told us to have a roommate meeting once a month,
or once a week.
And it would just be a time where we can tell each other if something is bothering us
or whathaveyou.
And we are just supposed to be able to calmly talk about stuff
so no fights would arise later.
But it seems like roommate meetings are the only time fights to break out.
Because a roommate meeting just went down
and let me tell ya, it didn't end well.

There was quite a lot of yelling,
and ended with Ginny leaving the room in a huff.

I am lucky enough to never be apart of the fighting that happens in the apartment.
It is usually between the sisters.
I just sit there in awkwardness.
Or hear all about it later.

I don't do fights.
I just don't understand how yelling at each other helps anything.
But especially fighting about stupid things,
which is pretty much the only kind of fights that goes down here.
They fight about things like ketchup,
or leaving your shoes in the living room for more then 2 days.
I might skip out on next roommate meeting,
just so I don't go crazy.

The wedding ring I want:)
I need these.
Oh. My.
Love love love.
I will dress my kids like this.
Look at her eyeballs.
Holy cow.
The nerd in me loves this.
Loove this.
I will do this.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day Off

I have done nothing for two days
but sit at home,
and be on,,,

I finally get a break from training
and all I wanted to do was sleep.
And maybe hang out with my roommates.
But nooo.
Courtney is out of town
and Ginny and Julie worked.

So not only have I been sitting at home,
I've been sitting at home by myself.
Seriously, the most exciting thing I've done today is paint my nails
and go to WalMart.

Sooo I did what any other ridiculously bored teenage girl would do,
I took pictures.

It started on my computer when I was waiting for the oven to heat up
so I could cook my dino nuggets:)
And continued after I had fully finished getting ready on my camera.

I don't want to post them on facebook,
right now anyway.
But I feel like I should share them with the world in someway.
Because some of them are pretty great.

There is no judging beyond this point.

My addiction:)
Dino Nuggets:)

Shut Up and Deal

It looks like I'm missing an arm...