Friday, August 12, 2011

Suicidal Dragonflies

Guess who got internet today!
Thats right, I did.
Well, we got the internet set up on Wednesday
but we got it working today.
Thank you Kevin!
You can't believe how happy I am I don't have to sit in the gym to check facebook.
That rooms gets creepy anytime after 11pm.

Today was Chelsea's wedding.
Chelsea is Ginny's best friend
and was going to be our fourth roommate.
But nooo, she decided to get married instead.
Which I'm okay with because it gave me an excuse to buy new shoes:)
She looked gorgeous.
I hope she is the happiest girl alive today.

This is my wedding outfit,
check the shoes:)

I don't deal well with drama
and there was toooo much drama going down at that wedding.
I was there for a max of ten minutes before I had enough.

But I miss my girls and the drama back at work:)

On Wednesday I drove down to Salt Lake to spend the day with my sisters and mom.
I love them.
I went to breakfast with Ali.
We spent the day at the park with the nephews.
I almost got attacked by geese.
I got a sunburn.
And we went to dinner.

I also killed about 17 dragonflies with my car
driving up and down the Logan canyon.
I swear, they are suicidal!
They practically dive into my car.
I feel really bad every time,
like I should have a funeral for them or something.

Okay okay, I'm going to go now.
My computers over heating because I'm blogging and Skyping at the same time.
And someeeeeone is getting mad at me.

Still do:)

Cute pose for engagements.

Love love love.
Everything about it.

Want in my house.
Or later.

Make me one!

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