Sunday, August 7, 2011

Moving On

Welcome to apartment 103!
This is now where I call home.
At least for the next year.

It's official.
I moved out.
It's weird.
Everything I'm used to,
my family,
my friends,
my job,
the target I shop at,
the FOREVER 21 I shop at (I miss it already),
my puppy,
is 2 hours away.
I'm not used to it yet.

It hasn't really hit me yet,
the fact that I'm on my own now.
I don't know when it will,
but it will probably consist of a preeeetty good sized break down.

I miss home.
I miss you.

I miss having internet!
Wednesday needs to come faster.

I have to go to my second day of training today.
It's the kind of training that makes you want to pull all your hair out.
Plus, I have to drive to Harrisville for it.
I hate Harrisville.
It's an hour away.
And I swear, if I see one more dead animal on the side of the road I'm never driving again.

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I'm home sick.

I have to go get ready for work.

They should put this on every mirror.

I usually hate most maternity pictures,
but this is lovely.

I miss you.

So cute for siblings.

Dream bed?!

Just look at it for a little bit.
Its crazy.


Me and you both Robert.

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