Thursday, July 7, 2011

Happily Ever After

On Sunday, before Scotty was going to take a nap
he was giving me our routine monster hug and kiss.
And while he was still sitting on my lap
with his arms around my neck, he looked at me
and said,
"Micki, you have a cute neck"
then moved his hands down to my stomach
and said,
"and a cute tummy for your dinner to go to"

Seriously, melted my heart.

Scotty is convinced that I have magic kisses.
Every time he gets hurt, all I have to do is kiss it
and BAM, he feels better.

Don't you miss those days?
When a kiss could heal anything?
When you got in trouble for not taking a nap?
I would trade places with my nephews any day!
They have time in the day where they are almost required to sleep
I would kill for a nap every day.

But no, I'm an "adult" now.
I have to go to work
and pay for my own gas.
And I'm on a weekly, almost daily
countdown until I move out.
3 weeks.
23 days.
I'm scared.

A month ago it was exciting,
right about now is when it gets terrifying.
It's so close.

The best part about it is,
I'm not scared to move out,
to live on my own,
I'm scared to grow up.

I have to start making decisions.
Do I actually want to go to school?
Where do I want to work?
And pretty soon,
Who do I want to marry?

Ahh, I'm too young for this.


Dream car.
Seriously, I will have one before I die.
The sooner the better.
Oh, dream puppy!
Pomeranian + Husky.
The cutest.
I would die.
Next photo shoot?
I'm thinking yes.
A couch that turns into a fort?
This was made for me.
Another acceptable wedding ring.
Or promise ring.
I love it.
Dream car again.
One day...
Adorable engagement shoot.
Find me a husband.

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